Nate wakes up in the park near his house on the morning of his 28th birthday. He finds himself naked and with no recollections of the events that went down the previous night. A confused Nate also realizes that his world has turned upside down in the one night he remembers nothing about. When he roams the park in search of clues that will help him piece together the night, he bumps into an ensemble of weird characters. A homeless man, a junkie lost to the world, an odd pair that walks up to him to advise and, unexpectedly, the girl of his dreams. What ensued that day in the park is a crazy sequence of events in which every character harbours an ulterior motive Nate is shocked to discover. As new characters join the fun, Nate learns more about his newfound friends. He takes a few decisions that will turn his world around on that eventful birthday.
‘A walk in the park’ is a feature length film directed by Marco Infante. Marco takes a whacky route to tell the story of the coming of age of ‘Nate’, a naïve 28 yr. Old man. Nate is too wide-eyed and inexperienced in the ways of the world for his own good. Marco introduces his characters one by one, each one shrouded in mystery, and then taking his sweet time to unravel the riddles. Set almost entirely in a public park, the film uses the wide open space to enhance Nate’s situation of being lost in the world, with no one to turn to for support.
‘A walk in the park’ is a tale about missing the obvious. Like the unsophisticated Nate, each one of us has to deal with certain blind spots where we do not see the obvious staring down at us. Our emotions and predispositions dictate our perceptions and reactions. Sometimes, a powerful shakedown is needed to wake us up from our trance and set our vision straight.

Wow! What an insightful understanding of the theme! I didn’t even know “A Walk in the Park” had a theme! Good on you writer Sam Jordan and director Marco Infante!!