Coop is a timeless story of the triumph of the human spirit. It is the story of young Gabriel Gonzales, a promising athlete with his eyes set on the 2024 Olympics who in a cruel turn of fate, he loses his friends and his legs in a road accident. Riddled with survivor’s guilt, Gabe is about to slip into depression, when he makes a new friend and finds a new purpose in life, Coop. Coop is a golden retriever at the local animal shelter, with paralyzed hind legs in a chariot, the outcome of an abusive past; an unbroken spirit and a bounce in his step. When Gabe bonds with Coop, he finds the inspirations and starts working towards his new purpose with a vengeance. When life tests him a second time around, the lesson he has learnt from Coop stands him in good stead.
Coop is a screenplay from writer Joe Leone. Leone dazzles with detailed descriptions of the action sequences, presenting us with crisp imagery amounting to as much the shot breakdowns of some scenes. The character arcs including those of supporting characters are very well developed with backstories, providing for a better understanding of the character traits.
While Coop is a timeless story about the unbreakable human spirit and of friendships that inspire towards a new purpose in life, it is also as much a lesson about forgiveness. Coop addresses how the inability to deal with loss can mar for life, and redemption becoming more and more difficult by the day. Forgiveness is the only way to move forwards and sometimes by the time you realize that, you have lost quite a bit of life.

I have read this screenplay, and it is unforgettable. The writer makes you feel the emotional turmoil of Gabe and his love for Coop. It is well-
written and very visual. I wanted to hug Gabe and scratch Coop’s ears. He’s Gabe’S Guardian Angel come to life. It’s a lovely story, and I hope it will become a film soon.