As humanity struggles with a new virus and frantically searches for a cure, beings from another dimension observe closely them. Ghaar, the master, overseeing the various dimensions, is unhappy with the way humans have evolved as a species. He says that of all the species on planet earth, humans are irresponsible, selfish, uncompassionate and the greatest failure. He knows that the future of this last surviving dimension is too important to be left in the hands of humans. Master Ghaar wants to bring about a proper resolution to the fate of human species before his impending retirement. But, when he hears that the humans in the last dimension are at the brink of discovering a cure for the virus, he knows that the time has come for him to accomplish his mission. Does he allow the cure to go forward or does he change the course of history by preventing the cure from being discovered?
‘Dawn of Spectral Darkness: Ghaar’, is a short film directed by Leonidas Stanescu. Leonidas imagines a scenario where the Master of the Universe, Ghaar, has to take a firm decision regarding the future of humankind and the last dimension that exists. Telling a fantastical story with elements of metaphysical grandeur, Leonidas accomplishes this task with minimal use of technology. He creates his magic world with music and sound design, supported by prudent visual graphics. The creation of the believable netherworld, where the all-important conversation happens, is complete with the powerful performances by the characters and an effective sound design. The story telling is crisp without lingering over matters that are already obvious to the audience. ‘Dawn of Spectral Darkness: Ghaar’ is a good example of how stories that need to be told will find a way for itself in this world.
The debate of how man has destroyed his world with his inventions is one that tends to be conveniently forgotten every time science takes a step forward. What we gain by these small steps often comes at enormous costs of things we lose. Our losses are often irreversible and go unnoticed as we accustom ourselves to the new way of life and the new environment. Man is hurtling himself at breakneck speeds towards self-annihilation and there is no stopping him.

Thank you for this accurate review.. It may come a moment when the humankind will become humane.