Anna has an interview to attend. She was told they considered her for a rather unique position. After a long break from employment, this was an exciting opportunity to explore. As Anna is at the interview, she realizes this is not just a regular job interview. Everything about it was different. The Interviewer, the questions, the place and the setting, all quite unsettling for Anna. Her interviewer appears to know everything about her, and his questions encourage her to reveal even more. They go over her life journey, exploring situations that have influenced her life and stayed back in her consciousness and also recall those situations that prefer to stay back in the depths of the unconscious. Anna thinks it is strange they have not informed her about the position she is being interviewed for or the skills the interviewer is trying to identify with her. How does this strange interview end? Does she get the Job? Is she selected for the mystery position?
‘Anna Z’ is a feature length script from Writer Dario Gorini. Gorini gives us a psychological thriller with all the action set in a well-appointed downtown office room. What starts off as a cat-and-mouse game between Anna and her interviewer soon develops into a journey of exploration of Anna’s life story. Gorini keeps up the element of suspense, surprising us with revelations about Anna’s life at unexpected turns. She holds back her trump card till the very end, so the payback with the last revelation is truly monumental. ‘Anna Z’ is the movie that wants you to return and watch it again, after you know the ending.
They say your entire life flashes before during your last moments of life. ‘Anna Z’ gives us an interview of a lifetime that revisits those important moments before you are accepted through.