
In the not too distant future, eerily similar to the current situation in many countries today, the fascist forces tighten their grip over the land while the rebels fight against the odds for what they believe is the freedom to express themselves. Interestingly, the foot soldiers on either side are the impressionable youth, many not entirely sold on the values they are risking life and limb to safeguard. On the side of the government is Constantine, a young officer of the elite unit of the law enforcers, the Hounds. On the side of the resistance is Dimitri, an artist from a humble background who is introduced to the movement by a friend. And, between the two is Alex, a fiery young woman and an active member of the Wolves, the gang of rebels who are out on the streets to set things right. She has a soft corner in her heart for Constantine. When Dimitri is apprehended by the hounds during a well-intended raid gone wrong, Alex is obliged to use her relationship with Constantine to set matters right.

‘Of Hounds and Wolves’ is a feature script from Writer Eugene Khazin. Eugine sets the story in a fictional nation, in the near future, where an autocratic president rules with an iron fist. He brings out the irony of the fact that though the wolves and the hounds are baying for each other’s blood, they are both young men and women fighting for what they believe is right. They stand to gain nothing substantial at the end but are manipulated by the system to maintain the equilibrium that drives the system forward. This gripping story throws up frequent flares; memories of similar situations that are permanent fixtures on television news.

‘Of Hounds and Wolves’ is also the story of the strife of a young woman, caught between her love and her moral resolve to stand with what is right. During the events that take place over a few days, she also learns that not everyone who stands on her side of the barricade is there for the same reason. 

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