Face Time

Face Time

The Covid-19 pandemic brought about many drastic counter mechanisms. While not everyone could adapt easily to these measures, some found it a boon in disguise. When two filmmakers get on to a video conferencing call, to catch up and to discuss the future of their projects, thing get quite out of hand. Unable to shoot and produce the script they…

Run Through the Night

Run Through the Night

Mikage and Natsuna are teenage girls who meet in the school infirmary. Young Mikage is a docile, hardworking student, eager to match up to her parents’ expectations. She plans to spend her time in the infirmary studying for her entrance examinations so that she can get a high school education, because that’s what society expects of her to become a…

Taken Young

Taken Young

Growing up in the 80s had its charms. Those were simpler times, before mobile phones and the internet netted the young. Walking to school, biking on lonely trails, earning money, doing odd jobs and starting some ‘forest fires’ were what teenagers did with their time. Friendships were real and not virtual, and you knew that your friends would have your…

The Fiendish Machinations of Lex Luthor

The Fiendish Machinations of Lex Luthor

The true identity of Superman has been an enigma for the inhabitants of Metropolis and the world. We visit the scene when reporters are covering the arrest of Lex Luthor after his Lexbot was defeated by Superman and Metropolis was once again saved from his evil Machinations. As usual, Clark Kent is late in arriving and reporter Lane is getting…