The true identity of Superman has been an enigma for the inhabitants of Metropolis and the world. We visit the scene when reporters are covering the arrest of Lex Luthor after his Lexbot was defeated by Superman and Metropolis was once again saved from his evil Machinations. As usual, Clark Kent is late in arriving and reporter Lane is getting quick bytes from Lex before his arrest. But, Lex has an ace up his sleeve. He has discovered the true identity of Superman and wants to reveal it to the world. Finally, when Clark Kent arrives at the scene, representing the Daily Planet, Lex feels that the stage is set for his big reveal. Does the world get to know the truth behind Superman’s true identity? Can Kent protect the secret he has been carrying with him for so long?
‘The Fiendish Machinations of Lex Luthor’ is a narrative short by Director Sam Locke. Locke pays tribute to the superman franchise with this fan created episode that uses puppetry along with live characters. Locke takes a humorous route caricaturing the characters and situations but is cautious enough to prevent it from becoming a parody. The film stays true to the musical and visual style of the original series and draws the audience into the world of Superman right from the word ‘go’, kindling memories and emotions associated with the show. A master of the art executes the puppetry of Superman and the camera work supplements the live action-puppetry fusion to produce great on camera visual effects. While Locke has stayed true to several elements from the original franchise, his creative take on the appearance of superman and his speech is a pleasant touch that transports the film away from the capacity of the original and places it in a newly created niche.
‘The Fiendish Machinations of Lex Luthor’ is a cometary of the collective intelligence of the general populace. His dialogues sprinkled with gems of wit and humor are something to watch out for in this brief presentation.